The sex life sound indicator of good health; sex reduces high blood pressure, also enhances the emotional satisfaction in the relationship, and works to improve the quality of life in general.
Close up of couple laughing in bed
But is sex could dosing? Of course. Besides the fun orgasm, the sex can help us to overcome the pain associated with a number of health problems. Although it did not prove unequivocally the ability of sex to get rid of diseases, it is in the end no harm in trying, especially since sex is associated with love, undoubtedly contribute to strengthening our sense of happiness, and gives us that sense that we Margopon and wanted, a sense of no equivalent in any Last sense.
Here are a number of benefits that go beyond sex orgasm, and make us feel better psychologically and physically, and improve our health in general.
Ease the pain of kidney stones
Nothing compares to the pain caused by kidney stones. In this regard, according to a study recently published in the journal "Journal of Iorologi" a unique treat: The practice of sex regularly will ease the pain of kidney stones and prevent new stones from forming. The interest in the secretion of nitrous oxide during sex, which leads to the relaxation of the muscles of the ureter, which in turn lends itself to the grit to come down, and Hun is true for men and women alike. That some people believe that men might benefit more than women from this feature; so that men throwing from the urethra itself, as opposed to women. In all cases, we must at the intensification of kidney pain to go to the doctor.
Overcoming Depression
Some psychology experts believe that sex makes us happier. There is a Scottish study suggests that sex reduces stress and negative emotions. It is known that there is a hormone secreted by the body during sex, a dopamine and serotonin, which are happier with a clear impact on the mood, as it works to improve hormones.
However, the relationship between sex and depression remain argumentative; Depression may lead to loss of sexual desire, similar to the effect played by antidepressant medication, which works on the decline of desire. But the woman or the man feeling that his life partner does not want the sex may lead to a feeling of depression. Is not sex leads to depression, or that depression affects libido and cause Khmudha? The question is still on the table for consideration. Therefore, if you are not interested in sex or lost feeling pleasure associated with it, and you feel sad or depression, you should see your doctor.
Migraine is one of the most common types of pain intensity; so that it sticks to the possibility and treatment. Women are often in the habit Taatall headache to apologize to her partner about sex. But there is a study published in the journal "Cevallageea" showed that a third of women who had sex while suffering from a bout of migraine Tkhalsn pain; it means that the orgasm in the way of headaches and stop the pain. The reason for this is because the orgasm secrete a powerful Andorvinat, works as a painkiller. The sex makes the blood vessels to expand, which works to reduce the severity of some types of headaches.
Treatment of colds
In a new study published in the journal "Viciulchi Land Biology," researchers found that people who have sex several times a week, they have low levels of "cortisol", a hormone associated with stress, as well as high levels of Alameongljubljn, an indicator of the integrity of the immune system . However, this does not mean not to take preventive measures from the cold and flu illnesses so as not to Naadi partner.
Reduce the pain of PMS
This benefit is limited to women, of course. Instead of passing pod hot water on your belly convulsive during menstruation, Marcy sex without penetration and reach full orgasm; mere feeling of sexual excitement works to increase the blood flow, which reduces the contraction of muscles, to severe pain associated with that. 5-ways-to-deal-with-your-period-2
Do you suffer from some dear urinary incontinence while're a certain effort, Kalrkd or exercise? Maybe one of the most popular women's complaints. So you have sex, which is vital to exercise pelvic region and strengthen the muscles, thus contributing stop incontinence or reduce it. According to a US study, is a learning pelvic muscle control ideal way to stop urinary incontinence. The women who enjoy swimming muscles strong, not more ability to satisfy a partner and reach orgasm during sex. However, in chronic urinary incontinence cases, sex may increase the problem worse, so you have to go to a doctor immediately.
It helps to sleep young-couple-sleeping

Reduce the risk of heart disease Couple-Running2
Are people who have sex frequently have stronger hearts? Or that people who have stronger hearts are able to have sex more? It may be difficult to say this. But according to a study published in the journal "American Journal of Cardiology", men who have sex twice a week have a lower risk of heart disease by 50%. This is true for women as well. Sport, sex, sports beneficial to the body, let alone whether these sports fun, promotes feelings of love for you and revive the passion and renewed romance.
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