After filmmaker Spike Lee announced wife brown actor Will Smith Benkt actress Jada Smith, Amtnallma attend the distribution of the "Oscar" awards for the 2016 ceremony, joined by actor George Clooney and British actor Ian McKellen
As actor Mark Ruffalo announced that he supports the stars who boycotted the "Oscar" this year because of racial discrimination, but he will attend the awards ceremony
The reason for excluding these celebrity to attend the distribution of the "Oscar" awards ceremony this year, is the lack of celebrities with dark-skinned candidates for the prize this year
Also read: celebrities refrain from attending the Oscars in 2016 .. The reason
Actor Ian McKellen has said that the stars with brown skin always felt they were not represented properly in the cinema in general, both of them men or women
Actor George Clooney also considered that this decision academic crossed steps back over the past 10 years. It is noteworthy that the ceremony will be held on Feb. 28 at the Theater "Aldolby"
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